This proves you're clueless. Do you honestly think the OLFSL Staff wants to sit by their computers for hours after the actual races and watch replays in case a penalty should be given?? If you really want us to do this, I will expect you to be the first volunteering to do it!
First questions about when do we publish the results come right after the first pool of the race night. People demand to see the results immediately, but Monday at the latest. So when exactly are we going to watch the replays?
It's true, that the results only take FienDi's time, but we all have a life outside OLFSL.
I'll be the first one to say, that I have no interest what so ever to sit by my computer any more than I already have to because of OLFSL and school. I watch people race when I'm hosting, and I watch it to spot rule violations and to make sure nobody does anything stupid and ends up ruining someone's race. Try sitting by your computer all night and host 2 or 3 different races, all take about 1,5-2 hours/pool. Then try sitting by it to watch all the replays from the pools you just hosted. After you've done that, come back here and suggest this to me again. I might even take you seriously then, because you'd actually know what you're asking us to do..
The layouts we create are meant to help us hosts do our job (which we do not get paid for btw), not to make you feel miserable.
EDIT: Well excuse me FienDi was too tired last night to publish the decision we made about pool 1. You will see it when he comes back from work. Is that too late?
Complaining/suggesting and blaming us for your bad race are 2 different things, don't mix those.
Suggestions are more than welcome, as long as it's meant to be constructive. What I saw in our chatternox last night was not.
Complaining is allowed too, that's how we can make this league better. But if you go on our website and start blaming us for your bad race.. what did you think? That we'd jump for joy??
If you knew how much work it takes to organize one single event, you would think twice before you do what you did last night. If you had ANY idea how much time we put in running OLFSL, again, you'd think twice.
I'm a student (about to graduate in about 3 months) and FienDi has a full time job. Almost all spare time we have after school and work goes to OLFSL. Oh, and FienDi goes to school 2 nights a week too!
So suggest all you want, but know this: me and FienDi don't respond well to yelling or blaming.
We obviously managed to screw up everything else (according to some racers), so you automaticly assumed we screwed up your race too.. Your race was bad, I get it, but how is it our fault? FienDi's race went bad as well.. should I assume that is your fault then?
Ok ppl.. My fps is ALWAYS 20-30 and my computer is a piece of s***. Do you see me complaining?? No, you don't.
I got my wheel last week and have tried it a few times, 20-30 fps is very driveable. It did not drop much last night either, and I think the little drop was because of the cars, not the layout. I was online earlier (before the races, after the layout got out) and nothing changed.
When FienDi noticed the problem and that we need the layout, we did all that as soon as humanly possible. I'm sorry if 1 hour and 18 minutes is not early enough for you, but this layout changed absolutely nothing if you were driving clean laps before.
Have you tried OLFSL? Our members fight hard as well, but IMO in a fair way. With us it's mostly about having fun..
You're welcome to join us if you're interested in racing in a league.
Really sad to see you go.. I hope you'll come back one day.
I suggest you report these idiots to someone, for example OLFSL Admins want to know if someone is deliberately wrecking others on OLFSL servers (we can't do anything on other servers). We had these idiots some time ago, I asked people to send me replays and names (license name as well if possible). I never had to actually do anything besides that, it stopped. I know who these people were, and I had proof, but they started behaving well when they found out I'd ban every one of them.
So, if you see bad behaviour or something like that on our servers, please tell me about it so I can fix it. It kills the fun if there's even one of these imbeciles online.
Atm I'm not aware of any misbehaviour on OLFSL servers, so it seems to work. Try it!
I really suggest you file a complaint about this so we can investigate and maybe add something about it to OLFSL rules. Weird thing, I didn't know the game even had that kind of penalties..
Anyway we are working on a similar issue atm, so file it?
Just delete your hotlap before hotlap deadline if you have uploaded one. Then you will get 0 points.
Or you can keep it there and keep trying and if your fps doesn't get any better, then you can contact me ([email protected]) and cancel your participation. This reason is good enough to keep you from getting -20 points even after the grids are published.
I asked FienDi about this, and he said it's possible to create this system, but it will not be easy. It's actually so difficult, that he gave us 2 options:
1. team standings remain as they are now
2. team standings disappear from OLFSL website
His exact words were, that it is simply too much to ask, he can't do it. Either the standings stay that way or they will be removed.
I see the point from both sides, but I must agree with FienDi on this one. The guy is nearly a zombie already. :tired:
I don't recommend recruiting too many racers to gain a better position in team standings, because we are keeping an eye on that, just to see if team changes happen more often than usual. Personal success should still be more important than team positions, right?
We have talked about this with the staff as well.
This is a very difficult - yet justified - question. Me and FienDi agree, that it would be very hard to track those changes (we don't have much spare time as it is, so this would mean even less), and then the member would be in two teams at once because the points would still be there and therefore so should the explanation for them. I'm sure it's possible to make the database understand that, but how difficult it will be, that I do not know. Only person who can answer that is FienDi. And he's also the only one who can make it happen if someone can. :bowdown:
We (Flying Finn Racing Team) are a good example of this situation as well. We are recruiting teamless members, and that of course effects our position in the team standings. However we are not trying to gain a good position in the team standings, we just go for the personal success. Because of that fact, I have absolutely no problem with Flying Finn being "disqualified" from the team standings, if this becomes a problem. We'll just wait for the next season and win you all
I can of course ask FienDi if it would be possible for him to make the database understand team changes and start counting points to the new team after that. I won't make any promises of creating this, but I can promise to ask FienDi.